Sunday, May 19, 2013

barber - barbaric

I usually have my hair cut in my native place (after I moved to Chennai; very difficult to communicate for me where to trim and how much to trim in Tamil) - some times in Vizag too.

This time when i was in Vizag I went to a saloon nearby and was waiting for my turn (on Sunday). Next to the saloon couple of butcher shops were selling meat. Because of more demand, the meat was finished in no time. At this point, a boy of aged around 12-15 years of age was killing the chicken & lamb in a barbaric way. I couldn't see it and didn't want to explain - it is barbaric and savage killing. whatever is the reason - irrespective of hunger or taste for meat. it is cruel and couldn't stop myself to slap that bastard - didn't do it and didn't want to singled out at that point. Coincidentally a temple (Durga goddess) is just opposite to the butcher shop.

In another situation during lunch at office - one of my colleague is favoring to allow beef meat or any animal (who are willing to eat) meat to fill the gap.

I don't want to argue as i have no answers - this is the only place :)



awhan said...

did not know you were a vegetarian!

humans usually eat other living things. unlike most plants we can not synthesize food out of water and sunlight.
what amazes me is that vegetarians do not blink an eyelid when they take a living plant and uproot it(kill it) for their consumption. they cut tree, plants, grass. all this is killing another living thing.
when it comes to killing other living things which have red blood and have a voice box we condemn such acts as cruel and barbaric but not when the blood is colorless and the plants make no vocal protest.

i don't know but the halal way of killing seems more painful to me. i may be completely wrong. i have to ask temple grandin. however i think the recommended practice is to first stun the animal and then butcher it. i don't think that the butchers are educated on this matter.

have u ever killed a mosquito barbarically? even if it was simply flying towards u?

i have had many debates with vegetarians who oppose my love for meat eating. i want to debate further and understand if my stand is right. by the way even if i was proved wrong it would be too much of a sacrifice to let go of that wonderful taste and texture.

Unknown said...

Hello Awhan, you are right - butchers need some education on this process. the one i saw is quite horrible. in town/cities only at one place used to kill the animals (after some heath checks) and distribute to various vendors to sell. but now because of the demand, no checks and every shop is becoming slaughter house.

yes - as a vegetarian i never feel that i am killing vegetables. strange, we treat killing means bloodshed.